
Contributions are invited from all over the world to submit their manuscripts to the ongoing
Volume 11 Issue 1 of the journal. Scholars and practitioners working on issues around government
and development in Nigeria and other African countries in particular are welcome to submit their
research works. The average length suggested is 5,500 to 6,000 words. Articles should therefore
not exceed 22 double line-spaced pages on A4 paper, with wide margins on both sides, and
bibliography presented in APA format 6th edition.
Articles will be peer reviewed; authors are expected to review their articles in line with the
observations of the reviewers as communicated by the secretariat/Editor in Chief. The corrected
and final versions of the articles in MS word should be sent to Each article
should contain a short abstract not exceeding 250 words; and five keywords. Authors are kindly
advised to strictly make use of APA format 6th edition referencing style.
All articles must bear the names of the author(s), institutional affiliation and e-mail addresses on
a separate sheet.

All correspondence should be addressed to:

The Editor-in-Chief,
International Journal of Governance and Development (IJOGDES)
Department of Local Government and Development Studies,
Faculty of Administration,
Obafemi Awolowo University,